What’s New & Feature Suggestions
Our team is constantly working hard to provide new and updated releases for the ExpenseOnDemand platform.
Follow this page to stay up to date on the new releases and feature requests.
What’s New on ExpenseOnDemand

Claimants can now add, copy, or select attendees from recentlycreated entertainment expenses and apply them to multiple creditcard transactions.

An additional layer of security for logins. When enabled by a Finance Manager, users must complete an extra authentication step via an Authenticator app or email.
1. Users can track their carbon footprint across all expense categories through the app when this feature is enabled by Finance Managers.
2. Finance Managers can monitor KPIs using the provided dashboard and export relevant details as needed.

Policy-violating expenses can now be edited by Finance Managers

The definition of “Completed” items in the credit card feature has been updated to include only transactions that have successfully been Passed for Payment.

1. When enabled by Finance Managers, Claimants can update or add location details to expense forms.
2. Finance Managers can also edit the location label if necessary.

To enhance usability, four default cost centres will be available when Finance Managers subscribe to this function.
Finance Managers can now export expenses without restrictions on date ranges.
ExpenseOnDemand's Xero Integration enhancement allows for the following:
1. Each Credit Card transaction, including Card Number and Claimant credentials is handled through the Credit Card wizard.
2. Transactions arrive in a grid, allowing a Finance Manager to Suppress/Sync desired ACCOUNTS - ensuring only synced transactions are imported. Credit card numbers are auto-assigned based on the ExpenseOnDemand-Xero link.
ExpenseOnDemand introduces a new feature that allows businesses to do the following:
1. Category-Specific Tracking: Finance Managers (FM) can designate categories for monitoring carbon footprint.
2. Mileage Emission Tracking: The application allows tracking carbon emissions specifically for Mileage expenses.
3. Dashboard Insights: A Dashboard is provided for FMs to view Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and export necessary details.
With this enhancement, a Claimant whilst adding a receipts can simultaneously select more than one to an expense item.
Now, all names of the Counter Approvers assigned are available to be included in the reports for export.
The Finance Manager can edit Claimant entries found on the Fuel Card Dashboard.
Furthermore, an export option is also added for the Finance Manager – making analysis more user-friendly.
With this enhancement if the Triangulation is turned ON, a Finance Manager can determine whether to pay a Claimant the Passenger & Load Allowance.
With this enhancement, a Claimant whilst adding a receipts can simultaneously select more than one to an expense item.
The Assign Deputy for Approver functionality has been improved so the setup now uses a wizard.
With the improved wizard, a Finance Manager will be able to select whether a Deputy can approve their own expenses if no more Deputies are assigned for approval.
Our Xero Integration has been further simplified with the set-up steps fully visible using a wizard for the Finance Manager - making the Integration easier to follow and even more user-friendly.
Included with this enhancement is the exporting of receipts into Xero too.
Current Discount and Cost control functionality has been enhanced. This includes the Finance Manager to turn on a rule where the system will set Claimants as Power User automatically if, they have claimed above a set number of expenses in a month.
This ensures the Finance Manager is always in control by providing a Fall-Back shield to stop the subscription costs from OVERSHOOTING.
Year End Rule is now included with our portfolio of expense policies available for use.
This rule allows the business to:
1. Ensures all Claimants submit their expenses by the date set as per the rule.
2.Ensures compliance with the businesses Year End accounting requirements.
If the year limit is breached, the policy ensures they are flagged.
Using this newly added feature to the Mileage functionality, a Finance Manager can now configure the Google Mapping Services to limit the character input by Claimants searching for an Address / Postcode using the Google Calls.
This makes the process quicker for Claimants searching for Addresses / Postcodes whilst claiming Mileage expenses.
Now by using our Open APIs, customers connecting their external systems to ExpenseOnDemand, can now Add new / Update their existing data & Fetch lists of their Customer / Cost Centres.
Our Xero Integration has been simplified with all the setup steps visible to the Finance Manager - making the Accounting Integration more user-friendly.
The 'Google Location' with 'Date & Time' fields for receipts, has been added to the existing list of fields for a Finance Manager to select from, when creating their own custom reports.
Finance Managers can click the new 'Download Receipt' button now available on the header of the receipt panel on the WEB.
Claimants can now view and analyse their expenses and the various statuses using the chart view for all expense categories.
The Mileage function has been enhanced for the Finance Manager to setup the Fuel Cards for Claimants to claim mileage expenses. This ensures only the correct capture of business miles travelled and the calculation of the private miles thereafter.
A new option has been added for a Finance Manager to import a set of Foreign Exchange Rates for Claimants to select from when claiming their foreign spend expense instead of the Claimant adding the exchange rates themselves.
The Finance Manager can now view the Expense Policy Dashboard giving them an overview of all expenses in the Subscription for a selected date range. They can now view and analyse the Top 10 Categories, Claimants and Approvers who have the maximum expense policy violations.
This expense policy allows the business to setup and display to Claimants a Compliance Statement. The statement will require the Claimant to confirm that all expenses they are claiming adhere to the business's expense policy & processes.
This advanced functionality allows you to assign Multiple Vehicles to Claimants who want to claim business miles. Businesses can mandate the use of a preferred vehicle when Claimants have registered to use more than two vehicles.
This function allows the Claimant when claiming Mileage to also claim for Passengers they take with them in their vehicle and carry any equipment on that journey.
This applies to Multiple Claimants who claim the same expense. This expense policy highlights to the Finance Manager, an expense item claimed multiple times within 90 days, by different Claimants.
This function lets you export approved expenses from ExpenseOnDemand into SAGE 200. Customers can export their files from ExpenseOnDemand in CSV format and import it into Sage 200.
The function allows a Claimant (Delegator) to delegate (someone else) their complete expense entry & submission process. A Finance Manager can easily assign/replace Delegates and Delegators from the setup.
A Finance Manager can now add to the current approval flow further levels of counter approvals . For each counter approval level added, an approval amount limit for each Counter Approver/Level can be set.
This function allows Claimants to determine at the time of creating an expense the kind of receipt they have. Depending on what option the Claimant decides to display on the expense claim form, the Claimant can select the type of receipt they have from the dropdown list - TAX Receipt / No TAX Receipt / No Receipt / Foreign Receipt. Using this a business can claim back TAX only on the VAT Receipts. On the others they cannot claim back TAX.
This function allows the Claimants to request a cash advance. Complete dashboard is available to the Finance Manager to manage the advances claimed by the Claimants.
The Chatbot has now been extended to and now made available to Claimants and Approvers using the mobile app. The Bot is loaded with useful guided videos to help Claimants and Approvers claim and approve better when using the mobile app.
Exporting to Xero is made simpler now with all the data fields in the Export available for exporting to Xero from the Xero Description Configuration and located under the Xero Description.
Exporting expenses with receipts has been made friendlier by facilitating it to exporting expenses with receipts to 1 month at a time. This will prevent long waiting for reports etc.
Creating your custom expense form has never been easier.
• A Finance Manager can add custom fields to each expense category.
• A Finance Manager can choose to make the Notes field on the expense form mandatory or not.
Improved experience of the Cost Centre/Customer setup via a Wizard, making setup easier and simpler to follow.
Improved experience of assigning a Claimant to a grade.
ExpenseOnDemand offers customers not only rolling monthly contracts but now also a discount mechanism if customers sign a contract for a longer term.
Integrating ExpenseOnDemand with Xero has become easier. Using Employee Sync, if both ExpenseOnDemand and Xero apps have contacts (Claimants) in them with the same email ID, the function will map these employees automatically.
Function now enhanced with an extra field, 'Submission Date' added that can be used to build your own Export Reports.
This function allows Claimants to request Advance(s). Expenses made against the advance, can be tracked in real time. Advances can be returned or requested to be returned, with full audit trail on the dashboard.
An enhancement recently added to the function allows a Finance Manager to set a policy limit to an individual as to a grade (policy would apply to all claimants in that grade).
A Finance Manager can using this function, now setup Claimants in other countries who will be claiming expenses on behalf of the business. They can now also pay Claimants in their local currency as per their local tax rules and compliance. A Finance Manager can link multiple companies to export data from ExpenseOnDemand to Xero for all linked companies.
Approvers can approve expenses now using both the WEB and mobile.
Credit Card Statement Import Enhancement: Finance Managers can not only import their company Credit Card statements in .csv but also now in .xlsx or .xls file formats.
Duty of Care: Duty of Care (DOC) function ensures Claimants claiming business mileage expenses using their own vehicles are safe, and comply with driving standards. This function checks and authorises various document, such as, Driving License, Registration, MOT, Insurance, etc.
Hybrid Billing – ExpenseOnDemand now offers the flexibility for Finance Managers to be charged for Claimants who either regularly or occasionally claim for expenses. We have introduced a rule that allows you the option to choose from “Pay Per Person” or “Pay as you use” and be invoiced accordingly.
You can now set up a pre-defined list of suppliers and link these to specific expense categories. Claimants can then link each expense item to a Supplier, from an existing list of suppliers. This will deliver enhanced flexibility for the export to Xero.
This function allows the Finance Manager to assign Approvers to Claimants manually or automatically based on their Cost Centre.
The function includes Sub rules A,B, C & D. This allows Claimants to not only send expenses for approval to their Line Managers (in their home Cost Centre) but also, submit expenses for approval to Approvers in another Cost Centre too.
Enhanced usability will now allow the Finance Manager to export the expenses report from the Audit Trail in CSV format.
Finance Manager can now add their own currency which includes even the Cryptocurrency of their choice.
LocationThis function provides the ability to set up and Assign Locations to Claimant(s), allowing further analysis of their Expenses. With the link to Xero Tracking Categories, this function allows analysis in Xero with a single click.
Capture details of Attendees (name & companies) to better control entertainment spend. Ensures correct reclaim of VAT on the Employees and not the Guests.
Open APIs: Businesses can now access the ExpenseOnDemand app data via our open APIs and seamlessly integrate it anywhere and anytime it is required.
The Project function has further been enhanced with an addition where you can now close any completed projects for better management.
Setup Multiple Companies or Business Units in a Single subscription. Assign employees to each Company/Business Unit. Configure a Rule to give rights to one or more Finance Managers to Approve and Pay expenses for one, some or all companies.
Approvers can view past historical expenses related to expense types they are viewing for a Claimant. For example, if they are viewing expense relating to Entertainment now, they can bring up and view all past expenses (last 6 months) a Claimant spent on Entertainment. This provides approvers comfort and visibility on what Claimant's spent in the past.
This function ensures that when Claimants use the fuel card, the correct Personal Miles are automatically reduced from the total miles travelled.
This allows setup of back-ups/deputies for Approvers. As a result, when approvers enter their "Out Of Office" on their mobiles, the expenses for their approval automatically flows to relevant deputy.
Sophisticated in real-time notifications to the Administrator / Finance Manager about the health of the system. Providing specific information where actions are required.
An expense policy provides Claimants with information and guidelines on what they can/cannot claim as reimbursable business expense.
This functionality allows you to add two more fields to the expense form to capture additional information for each expense item.
Each expense must have a "Business Purpose" as to why the money is being spent. This function allows you to automate the capture of the reason/business purpose. for each item ie, Meeting, Training, Account Management Meeting etc.
This functionality allows organisations to assign a mileage rate to each grade. As a result, every Claimant in that grade gets a rate assigned to them.
This function ensures that businesses claim the correct VAT on mileage expenses. This ensures that the Claimant captures the fuel receipt to justify the VAT claim against the journey.
Expenses can be assigned to Customer or Cost Centres or Projects. Budgets can be set for each Project, together with alerts, when expenses reach a pre-determined amount.
This function allows businesses to assign expense categories to grades. As a result, Claimants only see those categories which are assigned to the grade they belong to.
Request a Feature
The ExpenseOnDemand is constantly developing and improving the platform for your usability. We hear from customers regularly requesting the features that would make the biggest differences to their business. Are you using ExpenseOnDemand and would like to see something new to enhance your workflow? Have your say today.
Recently Requested Features
The ExpenseOnDemand is constantly developing and improving the platform for your usability. We hear from customers regularly requesting the features that would make the biggest differences to their business. Are you using ExpenseOnDemand and would like to see something new to enhance your workflow? Have your say today.
A Finance Manager can using this function, now setup Claimants in other countries who will be claiming expenses on behalf of the business. They can now also pay Claimants in their local currency as per their local tax rules and compliance. A Finance Manager can link multiple companies to export data from ExpenseOnDemand to Xero for all linked companies.
The ExpenseOnDemand is constantly developing and improving the platform for your usability. We hear from customers regularly requesting the features that would make the biggest differences to their business. Are you using ExpenseOnDemand and would like to see something new to enhance your workflow? Have your say today.
Using this newly added feature to the Mileage functionality, a Finance Manager can now configure the Google Mapping Services to limit the character input by Claimants searching for an Address / Postcode using the Google Calls.
This makes the process quicker for Claimants searching for Addresses / Postcodes whilst claiming Mileage expenses.
Now by using our Open APIs, customers connecting their external systems to ExpenseOnDemand, can now Add new / Update their existing data & Fetch lists of their Customer / Cost Centres.
Our Xero Integration has been simplified with all the setup steps visible to the Finance Manager - making the Accounting Integration more user-friendly.
The 'Google Location' with 'Date & Time' fields for receipts, has been added to the existing list of fields for a Finance Manager to select from, when creating their own custom reports.
Finance Managers can click the new 'Download Receipt' button now available on the header of the receipt panel on the WEB.
Claimants can now view and analyse their expenses and the various statuses using the chart view for all expense categories.
The Mileage function has been enhanced for the Finance Manager to setup the Fuel Cards for Claimants to claim mileage expenses. This ensures only the correct capture of business miles travelled and the calculation of the private miles thereafter.
A new option has been added for a Finance Manager to import a set of Foreign Exchange Rates for Claimants to select from when claiming their foreign spend expense instead of the Claimant adding the exchange rates themselves.
The Finance Manager can now view the Expense Policy Dashboard giving them an overview of all expenses in the Subscription for a selected date range. They can now view and analyse the Top 10 Categories, Claimants and Approvers who have the maximum expense policy violations.
This expense policy allows the business to setup and display to Claimants a Compliance Statement. The statement will require the Claimant to confirm that all expenses they are claiming adhere to the business's expense policy & processes.
This advanced functionality allows you to assign Multiple Vehicles to Claimants who want to claim business miles. Businesses can mandate the use of a preferred vehicle when Claimants have registered to use more than two vehicles.
This function allows the Claimant when claiming Mileage to also claim for Passengers they take with them in their vehicle and carry any equipment on that journey.
This applies to Multiple Claimants who claim the same expense. This expense policy highlights to the Finance Manager, an expense item claimed multiple times within 90 days, by different Claimants.
This function lets you export approved expenses from ExpenseOnDemand into SAGE 200. Customers can export their files from ExpenseOnDemand in CSV format and import it into Sage 200.
The function allows a Claimant (Delegator) to delegate (someone else) their complete expense entry & submission process. A Finance Manager can easily assign/replace Delegates and Delegators from the setup.
A Finance Manager can now add to the current approval flow further levels of counter approvals . For each counter approval level added, an approval amount limit for each Counter Approver/Level can be set.
This function allows Claimants to determine at the time of creating an expense the kind of receipt they have. Depending on what option the Claimant decides to display on the expense claim form, the Claimant can select the type of receipt they have from the dropdown list - TAX Receipt / No TAX Receipt / No Receipt / Foreign Receipt. Using this a business can claim back TAX only on the VAT Receipts. On the others they cannot claim back TAX.
This function allows the Claimants to request a cash advance. Complete dashboard is available to the Finance Manager to manage the advances claimed by the Claimants.
The Chatbot has now been extended to and now made available to Claimants and Approvers using the mobile app. The Bot is loaded with useful guided videos to help Claimants and Approvers claim and approve better when using the mobile app.
Exporting to Xero is made simpler now with all the data fields in the Export available for exporting to Xero from the Xero Description Configuration and located under the Xero Description.
Exporting expenses with receipts has been made friendlier by facilitating it to exporting expenses with receipts to 1 month at a time. This will prevent long waiting for reports etc.
Creating your custom expense form has never been easier.
• A Finance Manager can add custom fields to each expense category.
• A Finance Manager can choose to make the Notes field on the expense form mandatory or not.
Improved experience of the Cost Centre/Customer setup via a Wizard, making setup easier and simpler to follow.
Improved experience of assigning a Claimant to a grade.
ExpenseOnDemand offers customers not only rolling monthly contracts but now also a discount mechanism if customers sign a contract for a longer term.
Integrating ExpenseOnDemand with Xero has become easier. Using Employee Sync, if both ExpenseOnDemand and Xero apps have contacts (Claimants) in them with the same email ID, the function will map these employees automatically.
Function now enhanced with an extra field, 'Submission Date' added that can be used to build your own Export Reports.
This function allows Claimants to request Advance(s). Expenses made against the advance, can be tracked in real time. Advances can be returned or requested to be returned, with full audit trail on the dashboard.
An enhancement recently added to the function allows a Finance Manager to set a policy limit to an individual as to a grade (policy would apply to all claimants in that grade).
A Finance Manager can using this function, now setup Claimants in other countries who will be claiming expenses on behalf of the business. They can now also pay Claimants in their local currency as per their local tax rules and compliance. A Finance Manager can link multiple companies to export data from ExpenseOnDemand to Xero for all linked companies.
Approvers can approve expenses now using both the WEB and mobile.
Credit Card Statement Import Enhancement: Finance Managers can not only import their company Credit Card statements in .csv but also now in .xlsx or .xls file formats.
Duty of Care: Duty of Care (DOC) function ensures Claimants claiming business mileage expenses using their own vehicles are safe, and comply with driving standards. This function checks and authorises various document, such as, Driving License, Registration, MOT, Insurance, etc.
Hybrid Billing – ExpenseOnDemand now offers the flexibility for Finance Managers to be charged for Claimants who either regularly or occasionally claim for expenses. We have introduced a rule that allows you the option to choose from “Pay Per Person” or “Pay as you use” and be invoiced accordingly.
You can now set up a pre-defined list of suppliers and link these to specific expense categories. Claimants can then link each expense item to a Supplier, from an existing list of suppliers. This will deliver enhanced flexibility for the export to Xero.
This function allows the Finance Manager to assign Approvers to Claimants manually or automatically based on their Cost Centre.
The function includes Sub rules A,B, C & D. This allows Claimants to not only send expenses for approval to their Line Managers (in their home Cost Centre) but also, submit expenses for approval to Approvers in another Cost Centre too.
Enhanced usability will now allow the Finance Manager to export the expenses report from the Audit Trail in CSV format.
Finance Manager can now add their own currency which includes even the Cryptocurrency of their choice.
LocationThis function provides the ability to set up and Assign Locations to Claimant(s), allowing further analysis of their Expenses. With the link to Xero Tracking Categories, this function allows analysis in Xero with a single click.
Capture details of Attendees (name & companies) to better control entertainment spend. Ensures correct reclaim of VAT on the Employees and not the Guests.
Open APIs: Businesses can now access the ExpenseOnDemand app data via our open APIs and seamlessly integrate it anywhere and anytime it is required.
The Project function has further been enhanced with an addition where you can now close any completed projects for better management.
Setup Multiple Companies or Business Units in a Single subscription. Assign employees to each Company/Business Unit. Configure a Rule to give rights to one or more Finance Managers to Approve and Pay expenses for one, some or all companies.
Approvers can view past historical expenses related to expense types they are viewing for a Claimant. For example, if they are viewing expense relating to Entertainment now, they can bring up and view all past expenses (last 6 months) a Claimant spent on Entertainment. This provides approvers comfort and visibility on what Claimant's spent in the past.
This function ensures that when Claimants use the fuel card, the correct Personal Miles are automatically reduced from the total miles travelled.
This allows setup of back-ups/deputies for Approvers. As a result, when approvers enter their "Out Of Office" on their mobiles, the expenses for their approval automatically flows to relevant deputy.
Sophisticated in real-time notifications to the Administrator / Finance Manager about the health of the system. Providing specific information where actions are required.
An expense policy provides Claimants with information and guidelines on what they can/cannot claim as reimbursable business expense.
This functionality allows you to add two more fields to the expense form to capture additional information for each expense item.
Each expense must have a "Business Purpose" as to why the money is being spent. This function allows you to automate the capture of the reason/business purpose. for each item ie, Meeting, Training, Account Management Meeting etc.
This functionality allows organisations to assign a mileage rate to each grade. As a result, every Claimant in that grade gets a rate assigned to them.
This function ensures that businesses claim the correct VAT on mileage expenses. This ensures that the Claimant captures the fuel receipt to justify the VAT claim against the journey.
Expenses can be assigned to Customer or Cost Centres or Projects. Budgets can be set for each Project, together with alerts, when expenses reach a pre-determined amount.
This function allows businesses to assign expense categories to grades. As a result, Claimants only see those categories which are assigned to the grade they belong to.
Request a Feature
The ExpenseOnDemand is constantly developing and improving the platform for your usability. We hear from customers regularly requesting the features that would make the biggest differences to their business. Are you using ExpenseOnDemand and would like to see something new to enhance your workflow? Have your say today.
Recently Requested Features
The ExpenseOnDemand is constantly developing and improving the platform for your usability. We hear from customers regularly requesting the features that would make the biggest differences to their business. Are you using ExpenseOnDemand and would like to see something new to enhance your workflow? Have your say today.
A Finance Manager can using this function, now setup Claimants in other countries who will be claiming expenses on behalf of the business. They can now also pay Claimants in their local currency as per their local tax rules and compliance. A Finance Manager can link multiple companies to export data from ExpenseOnDemand to Xero for all linked companies.
The ExpenseOnDemand is constantly developing and improving the platform for your usability. We hear from customers regularly requesting the features that would make the biggest differences to their business. Are you using ExpenseOnDemand and would like to see something new to enhance your workflow? Have your say today.