For Developers
Build powerful applications using our open-source API. Integrate business-changing features into your own applications using the ExpenseOnDemand.

Our APIs can be used for mission- critical systems.
Our APIs define the industry’s standards.
Millions of people trust us.
About Us
Streamline your work across hybrid and multi-cloud environments with a single place for managing all your APIs. Build apps on the ExpenseOnDemand APIs (Manage employees, Billing, Claimants, Cost Centres, Grades, Customers, Additional fields etc).
ExpenseOnDemand is a world class employee expense management application to help automate this process, and make it both paperless and contactless. Our APIs make this process more robust and seamless.. With over 100+ functions to choose from, where you pay only for what you use. Try our compelling proposition!
Our APIs
User Synchronization
Accounting Integrations
Payroll Export
Trust is our Priority
ExpenseOnDemand APIs drive our digital transformation.
They’re highly reliable and blazingly fast!