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Expensify vs Concur

Expensify vs Concur: Which is the best Expense Management Software?

If you're a business owner or CFO, you know how important it is to keep track of expenses. That's where expense report software comes in.

Two of the most popular options on the market are Expensify and Concur.

While both of these platforms are designed to help you manage your company's expenses and employee expenses they differ in several key ways.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at Expensify vs Concur to help you determine which one is right for your business.

Expensify is a cloud-based expense report software that allows you to track your expenses, create expense reports, manage employee expenses and get reimbursed quickly.

With Expensify you can;

  • unlimited receipt scanning
  • mileage tracking
  • categorize expenses & paper receipts with ease

The platform is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for employees to use.

On the other hand, Concur is an expense management custom reporting system that offers a range of features, including;

  • travel booking (book hotels)
  • expense tracking
  • invoice management

It's a more comprehensive solution than Expensify, but it can be more complicated to use.

Expensify vs Concur Key Takeaways

  • Expensify is a user-friendly expense managing software that allows you to tracking expenses, out of pocket expenses, create reports, and get reimbursed quickly.
  • Concur is a more comprehensive expense management system that offers additional features like travel booking and invoice management, but it can be more complicated to use.
  • When choosing between Expensify and Concur, consider factors like ease of use, features, integration capabilities, pricing, and customer support to determine which one is right for your business.

Overview of Expensify

If you're looking for a user-friendly expenses management system. Expensify is an excellent choice. Expensify is a cloud-based solution that helps you automate your expense reporting process, streamline your workflows, and save time. Here are some of the key features of Expensify:

  • Intuitive Interface: Expensify has a clean and intuitive interface that makes it easy to navigate even for those who aren't tech-savvy. The platform is designed to be user-friendly, so you can quickly learn how to use it without any training.
  • SmartScan Technology: Expensify uses SmartScan technology to automatically extract data from receipts and invoices also auto-detects duplicate receipts, so you don't have to manually enter data into the system. This feature saves you time and ensures that your expense reports are accurate.
  • Mobile App: Expensify has a mobile app that allows you to manage your expenses on the go. You can take pictures of your receipts, submit expense reports, and track your expenses from anywhere.
  • Pricing: Expensify's pricing is based on the number of active users in your organization. They offer a free plan for individuals, as well as paid plans for teams and corporate clients.

Overall, Expensify is a great choice if you're looking for a user-friendly expense management solution that can help you streamline your workflows and save time. With its intuitive interface, free support, and SmartScan technology, Expensify is an excellent option for businesses of all sizes.

Overview of SAP Concur

Concur is a cloud-based expense management software that helps businesses automate their travel and management processes. The software is designed to simplify the expense reporting process, streamline workflows, and provide real-time visibility into employee spending.

With SAP Concur, you can easily capture and upload receipts, categorize expenses, create expense reports, and submit them for approval. The software also enables you to manage travel bookings, track expenses, and gain insights into your company's spending patterns.

Concur offers a range of features, including:

  • Expense management: Concur enables you to capture expenses on the go, categorize them, and submit them for approval. The software also offers automated expense reporting, which eliminates the need for manual data entry.
  • Travel management: With Concur, you can book flights, manage itineraries, and track expenses. The software also offers real-time flight alerts and travel risk management tools.
  • Invoice management: Concur enables you to automate your accounts payable process by capturing and processing invoices electronically.
  • Reporting and analytics: The software provides real-time visibility into employee spending, enabling you to identify trends, monitor compliance, and optimize your expenses management processes.

Concur is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes, but it can be complex and difficult to navigate. The software has a steep learning curve, and the user interface can be confusing for some users. Additionally, Concur's pricing is based on expense report volume, which can make it expensive for businesses with high expense volumes.

Pros and Cons of Concur vs Expensify

Concur and Expensify are two popular expenses management software solutions that help businesses streamline their expense reporting processes.

Both platforms offer a range of features to automate expense tracking, approvals, and reimbursements, but they also have distinct strengths and weaknesses.



  • Enterprise-grade features: Concur offers a comprehensive suite of features that cater to the needs of large organizations with complex expense management requirements.
  • Integration with SAP ERP: Concur integrates seamlessly with SAP ERP systems, providing a unified platform for managing expenses and other financial processes.
  • Robust reporting and analytics: Concur provides powerful reporting and analytics tools that enable businesses to gain insights into their spending patterns and identify potential areas for cost savings.


  • High cost: Concur is a premium expense management solution, and its pricing may be prohibitive for small businesses or those with limited budgets.
  • Steeper learning curve: Concur's extensive feature set can make it more complex to learn and navigate compared to some user-friendly alternatives.
  • Potential compatibility issues: Concur's integration with certain third-party applications may not be as seamless as desired.
  • Expense categories: Concur offers limited customization options , such as the ability to configure expense categories and policies, set up custom workflows, and integrate with third-party systems.



  • User-friendly interface: Expensify's interface is known for its simplicity and ease of use, making it accessible to employees with varying levels of technical expertise.
  • Mobile app: Expensify offers a mobile app that allows employees to submit expense reports and capture receipts on the go.
  • Affordable pricing: Expensify's pricing plans are more affordable than Concur, making it a viable option for small businesses and startups.


  • Limited customization: Expensify's feature set is more focused on core expenses management functions, with less flexibility for customization compared to Concur.
  • Integration limitations: Expensify's integrations with third-party applications may be more limited than Concur's.
  • Potential scalability issues: As businesses grow, Expensify's capabilities may not scale as effectively as Concur's enterprise-grade features.

Are there any Alternatives to Expesnify or Concur?

Yes! The best alternative to Expensify or Concur is ExpenseOnDemand.

As you have just read both Expesnify and Concur have a lot going for them.

That said there is an alternative solution and that is ExpenseOnDemand where you can also take advantage of a 30 day free trial.

ExpenseOnDemand vs Expensify

ExpenseOnDemand vs Concur

Now that you know the best alternative to Expensify and Concur let's continue with our comparison guide.

Ease of Use for Expense Reporting: Expensify vs Concur

When it comes to ease of use, Expensify or Concur have some notable differences.

Expensify is well-known for its clean and intuitive interface, making it easy to navigate even for those who aren't tech-savvy.

On the other hand, Concur has a more complex interface that can be confusing for some users.

Expensify's interface is designed to prioritize user experience and ease of use. The platform offers a simple and straightforward navigation system, allowing users to easily find what they need. Additionally, the platform offers a mobile app that is user-friendly and has a similar interface to the desktop version.

Concur, on the other hand, has a more complex interface that can be overwhelming for some users. While the platform offers a lot of features and functionality, it can be difficult to find what you need. This can lead to frustration and a longer learning curve for new users.

Overall, when it comes to ease of use, Expensify is the clear winner.

Its clean and intuitive interface, combined with its free support, make it a great choice for companies that want a user-friendly platform that is easy to navigate.

Expensify vs Concur Features Comparison

When it comes to choosing between Expensify vs Concur, understanding the features of each platform is essential.

Both platforms offer similar features, but there are some key differences that may impact your decision.

Let's check out Concur features and Expensify features head to head.

Expense Tracking

Expensify & Concur both offer expense tracking features that allow you to easily record and categorize expenses.

However, Expensify's receipt scanning technology is more advanced than Concur's. You can also do receipt tracking.

With Expensify, you can scan receipts using your smartphone camera, and the app will automatically extract relevant information such as the date, vendor, and amount.

Concur also offers receipt scanning, but it requires a separate mobile app manager access.

Approval Workflows

Both platforms offer approval workflows that allow you to set up rules and permissions for expense approval.

Concur's approval workflows are more customizable than Expensify's. With Concur, you can set up multi-level approval workflows with custom rules based on expense type, amount, and more.

Expensify's approval workflows are more straightforward, but may not be sufficient for larger organizations with complex approval processes.

Expensify vs Concur Integration Capabilities

Both Expensify & Concur offer integration capabilities with various accounting and financial software, as well as travel booking platforms.

However, there are some differences in the level of integration and ease of use.

Expensify integrates with popular accounting software such as QuickBooks, Xero, and NetSuite, as well as with payment platforms like PayPal and Stripe.

It also integrates with travel booking platforms such as Expedia, Airbnb, and Kayak, making it easy to import travel expenses into the system. Expensify also offers API access, allowing for custom integrations with other systems.

Concur, on the other hand, offers integrations with a wider range of accounting and financial software, including Oracle, SAP, and Microsoft Dynamics.

It also integrates with travel booking platforms such as Amadeus and Sabre, as well as with corporate card providers like American Express and Visa.

Concur also offers API access and a developer platform for building custom integrations to help make admin tasks less time consuming.

Pricing: Expensify vs Concur

Expensify Pricing

Expensify offers a simple pricing structure that is based on the number of active users. The cost per user is $5 per month for the Team plan and $9 per month for the Corporate plan. The Team plan is designed for small teams, while the Corporate plan is suitable for larger organizations. Expensify also offers a free plan that is limited to one user and five SmartScans per month.

Concur Pricing

Concur's pricing structure is more complex than Expensify's. The cost of Concur's services is based on the number of expense reports processed per month. The pricing starts at $9 per report and can go up to $25 per report for the most advanced features. Concur also charges additional fees for implementation and support.

In summary, if you are a small to medium-sized business with a limited budget, Expensify's pricing structure may be more suitable for your needs.

If you are a larger organization with more complex expense managing requirements, Concur may be a better fit.

Customer Support: Expensify vs Concur

When it comes to customer support, both Expensify & Concur offer assistance to their users. However, there are some differences between the two services.

Expensify offers free support to all of its users. You can contact their support team via email or live chat. They also have a comprehensive help center with articles, videos, and FAQs that cover a wide range of topics. If you need more personalized support, you can purchase a concierge plan for an additional fee.

Overall, if you value free support and a comprehensive help center, Expensify may be the better choice for you. However, if you prefer a more personalized approach and are willing to pay for it, Concur may be a better fit.

Security Measures

When it comes to managing expenses, security is a top priority. Both Expensify and Concur take security seriously, manage expenses, and have implemented a number of measures to protect user data.

Expensify provides bank-level security for all sensitive information. This includes encryption of data both in transit and at rest, as well as regular security audits and vulnerability testing. Additionally, Expensify offers two-factor authentication and single sign-on (SSO) to further enhance security.

Concur also offers bank-level security and encryption of sensitive data. They have implemented strict access controls and monitoring to all mobile access and ensure that only authorized users have access to data. Furthermore, Concur provides continuous monitoring of their systems to detect and prevent security breaches.

Both Expensify and Concur are compliant with various industry standards and regulations, such as GDPR and SOC 2. They also have dedicated teams to handle security incidents and respond to any potential threats.

Overall, both Expensify and Concur have robust security measures in place to protect user data. It's important to note that no system is completely foolproof, but these measures provide a strong level of protection against potential security threats.

User Reviews and Ratings

When deciding between Expensify and Concur, user reviews and ratings can be a helpful factor to consider. Both products have received positive feedback, but there are some differences in the ratings and reviews.

According to G2, Expensify has received a higher rating than Concur, with 4.5 out of 5 stars based on 4,991 reviews. Concur, on the other hand, has a rating of 4 out of 5 stars based on 5,960 reviews. Users of Expensify often praise the software for its ease of use, intuitive interface, and helpful customer support. Concur users tend to appreciate the software's robust features, such as the ability to handle complex expense policies and the integration with other systems.

TrustRadius reports that Expensify has a rating of 8.9 out of 10 based on 1,431 reviews, while Concur has a rating of 8.2 out of 10 based on 1,796 reviews. Users of Expensify appreciate the software's user-friendly interface, automated expense tracking, and real-time reporting. Concur users tend to value the software's ability to handle complex expense policies, its integration with other accounting systems well, and the availability of mobile apps.

FinancesOnline reports that Concur has a user satisfaction rating of 96%, while Expensify does not have a user satisfaction rating. The site notes that Concur is more expensive than Expensify, but that it offers more features and functionality.

Overall, both Expensify and Concur have received positive feedback from users. The choice between the two will depend on the specific needs and priorities of your business.

Final Verdict: Which is best for Expense reports Expensify vs Concur?

Both Expensify and Concur are great options for an accounting software for managing your expenses. However, your choice between the two will depend on your specific needs and budget.

Expensify is a more affordable option, with a focus on ease of use and a clean, intuitive interface. It offers free support and a range of features that make it a great choice for small businesses or individuals. Expensify is also a better choice if you need to integrate with other software or platforms, as it offers a wide range of integrations.

Concur has a more extensive list of integrations and partnerships with other financial management tools.

Mobile apps Both Concur and Expensify offer mobile apps for employees to submit expenses on the go and have a web-based interface for managers to review and approve expenses; however, Expensify has a more user-friendly and straightforward interface, while Concur can be more complex to navigate

Additional Vs Expense Management Software Comparisons

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Expensify vs Rydoo

Expensify vs Pleo

Ramp vs Expensify

Concur vs Quickbooks

Ramp vs Concur

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the pricing options for Expensify and Concur?

Expensify offers a range of pricing options, from a free plan for individuals to a custom plan for enterprises. The paid plans start at $4.99 per user per month and go up to $9 per user per month. Concur, on the other hand, does not disclose its pricing on its website. However, it is known to be more expensive than Expensify, with plans starting at $8 per user per month.

How does SAP Concur differ from Expensify?

SAP Concur is a more comprehensive expense management solution than Expensify. It includes features such as travel booking, invoice management, and payment processing, in addition to expense reporting. SAP Concur is also more suited to larger enterprises, while Expensify is better for small and medium-sized businesses.

What are the advantages of using Smart Receipts over Expensify?

Smart Receipts is a free mobile app for expense tracking, while Expensify is a paid expense managing solution. Smart Receipts is suitable for individuals and small businesses that need a simple expense tracking tool, while Expensify is better for businesses that need more advanced expense features.

What are the features of Concur Expense and how do they compare to Expensify?

Concur Expense includes features such as travel booking, invoice management, and payment processing, in addition to expense reporting. Expensify, on the other hand, is a standalone solution. Concur is more comprehensive and suited to larger enterprises, while Expensify is better for small and medium-sized businesses.